Welcoming Back a Favorite Anchor

If you tuned into CNBC late yesterday afternoon you saw an old familiar face.

Bill Griffeth has returned from his sabbatical and has moved back into the anchor chair during the 3 o'clock hour of "Closing Bell." (You can see him back at work in this video, handling a bull-bear argument between two analysts).

Bill Griffeth
Bill Griffeth

Bill is a long-time fixture at the network. Those of you who are constant CNBC watchers will recall he decided a little over a year ago to take some time off to travel. His favorite trip? He told me it was visiting the Midwest town where his family first laid down its roots nearly a century ago. Cool.

Of course, Bill put in some appearances prior to this. You'll recall he handled some town halls for us during the mid-term elections.

It's good to have him back. And for those of you who wrote in with all those conspiracy theories and accusations ... despite our statements to the contrary ... a big raspberry to you.