Fast Money Madness Tournament Begins March 14th

CNBC’s “Fast Money” puts the ball in your court this March. “Fast Money” wants you to find the best stock play in America right now.

Monday, March 14th, CNBC’s “Fast Money,” hosted by Melissa Lee, launches “Fast Money Madness,” with a Twitter twist. The only way to play in this tournament is by following the show on Twitter. (Click here to go to our Fast Money Twitter page,

Once we tweet that the game has begun, your replies will determine the winner of each match-up. The traders and the “Fast Money” producers will evaluate which side makes the best case for their stock.

And here’s the exciting part, if your tweet catches our eye as particularly good, we will read it on air that night. You have 140 characters to name the stock and list the fundamental and technical proof that back your pick.

The 64-company bracket is seeded according to consensus analyst and investor sentiment from “Fast Money” guests and traders. Four major sectors are represented: Technology and Telecom, Home and Healthcare, Financials and Insurers, and Commodities and Industrials.

You can view the bracket by clicking here.

Just like the real tournament, the series will run through April 4th. But you have to follow so you can see when each match-up begins. If you already follow us, retweet our match-ups to get your friends to follow along as well. And if your NCAA bracket got busted, no worries, you can join our tournament and get your tweets on air at any time through April 4th.

The “Fast Money” traders and Melissa will read your tweets on air and debate your pick live on “Fast Money Halftime Report” and “Fast Money”, which air at 12:30PM ET and 5:30PM ET respectively.

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