Rewriting the News

They say the newspaper business is dying. Even the nation's "newspaper of record," the New York Times , has battled to adapt to changing times.

Game over?

Someone has launched a website marking the demise of The Gray Lady.



A new parody website called The Final Editionhas marked the Times' "last edition," complete with "video" of the Times headquarters on fire. Perhaps not the best image to use, given all the remembrances of 9/11 this week in the aftermath of Osama bin Laden's death.

But it gets funnier from there.

Front page headlines include "Governor Christie Explodes in Trenton," "CBS Tapes Berlusconi for Two and a Half Men," and "Spider-Man Said to be Leaving Spider-Man." There's an article "reporting" a huge setback in Donald Trump's quest for the Presidency after "the remaining strands of Donald Trump's long-suffering hair, apparently of their own volition, fell from his skull." Paul Krugman's column ponders the question: "Is Krugman Too Big to Fail?"For those watching the economy, The Final Edition tracks the latest moves in the Black, Gray, Mini, and Farmers Markets.

The business page, aka the Busy Busy Day page, contains "Today's mandatory Facebook story" about a new application on the social networking site called Facebook Unconscious, or FU. The section is sponsored by Landmark Ledge Funds — "We've been helping families of ledge leapers since the Panic of 1893." (The Arts page is sponsored by the Koch Brothers, with a banner that says "Things Go Better With Koch".)

It goes on and on.

Some of it is hilarious — "Cooking with Fran Lebowitz" — where the famous New Yorker admits "one must 'push the envelope' — an odd phrase, considering that most people trying to pass themselves off as civilized have no idea what an envelope is."

Who's behind all this mayhem? The Final Edition's editor-in-chief is satirist Tony Hendra, best known for helming The National Lampoon and the old Spy Magazine. The site's stated goal is "to be the #1 humor experience on the Internet. Funny, smart, in-the-know...The Huffington Post on nitrous oxide." I used to love reading Spy Magazine.

This could be Spy 2.0. I hope so.

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