New Book With ‘F’ Word in Title is Now Pulp Fiction

Too tired to read to the kids at night?

Samuel L. Jackson can do it for you.

"Go the F**k to Sleep" by Adam Mansbach
"Go the F**k to Sleep" by Adam Mansbach

Adam Mansbach's "children's" book called "Go the F*** to Sleep" (without the asterisks) is #1 on Amazon.

It has been the top seller for a month, ever since our Cindy Perman wrote about the book.

Now comes the audio version, voiced by Samuel L. Jackson, who admits that he's said "Go the f*** to sleep" (without the asterisks) to his own kid, so much so that it became something of a catch phrase.

The audio book can be downloaded for free through Amazon's



Won't that hurt sales of the actual book?

Are you kidding?

The physical book will be the must-have baby shower/stocking stuffer/congrats-on-becoming-a-grandma gift of the year for those with a slightly degenerate sense of humor (GUILTY!). The audio version is just a quick gag to play on your iPhone.

Or, as I said at the beginning, you can play it when you're too tired to read to your kids. One plus — if Samuel L. Jackson tells your children to go to sleep, they'll go to sleep!

We've included an edited version of Jackson's reading just to give you a sampling.

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