New Suspect In $100 Million ATM Receipt


The mysterious $100 million ATM receipt found in the Hamptons doesn't belong to David Tepper, according to The Daily.

From The Daily:

"Sources say the real ATM user was Ron Baron, of Baron Capital Management, who bought a farm in East Hampton four years ago from Adelaide de Menil for $103 million, a record for residential real estate at the time. Baron’s new 28,000-square-foot house is almost complete — with painting and landscaping costs no doubt requiring a great deal of liquidity."

Dealbreaker first identified the account owner as David Tepper of Appaloosa Management. Tepper — who said he hasn't used an ATM since Lehman — denied being the owner telling the New York Post, "I would never do something as irresponsible as leaving $100 million in a savings account."


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