In Battery Park City

Surprisingly, the area around the World Trade Center site is largely deserted, save for a few joggers and small groups of European tourists.

Photo: Bob Pisani for CNBC

Broadway is deserted of traffic, except for taxis, but they are empty; there are no passengers.

I was the only person walking across the great metal walkway across West Street that connects the Trade Center with Battery Park.

The ferry station at the end of Vesey Street that takes tens of thousands of passengers across the Hudson to New Jersey every day has no ships and no passengers.

PJ Clarke's restaurant is shuttered.

The beautiful marina at the World Financial Center still has boats in the water, but no one on them.

Photo: Bob Pisani for CNBC

The Marriott Hotel, site of many sad meetings in the aftermath of 9-11, is shuttered, ordered to close because it is in a low-lying flood area.

The metal gates are down on the Century 21 department store, famous with New Yorkers and tourists alike.

Outside the New York Stock Exchange, workmen are reinforcing the sandbags that began appearing on Friday.

And on the 40th floor of the Millennium Hilton hotel, across from the Trade Center, I can see the water slowly creeping closer to the famed Colgate Clock in Jersey City.

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