Who Is Wall Street Supporting?

Barack Obama
Barack Obama

While you await tonight's CNBC GOP debate, it is worth remembering that President Barack Obama is still the favorite of the financial sector.

From The Washington Examiner:

As the Washington Post recently reported, Obama has accepted more money — more than $15.6 million — from these people than all of the Republican presidential aspirants combined (aided significantly by the fact that contributors can give to both Obama and the Democratic National Committee). No wonder Opensecrets.org ranks the financial sector as one of the five most generous industries in contributions to the Obama re-election effort. By comparison, the most successful GOP fundraiser, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, has generated a mere $2 million from the Wall Street fat cats. Obama has even gotten more campaign money from Bain Capital, the consulting firm Romney managed before becoming a presidential candidate, than Romney has.

Got that?

Obama has received more money from the financial sector than all of the GOP candidates combined.

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