The Small Business Afternoon Report

CNBC Small Business - Around the Web
CNBC Small Business - Around the Web

A Groupon cautionary tale, from Mashable.

Small businesses are feeling peer pressure from larger retailers who are opening their doors on Thanksgiving day, reports Entrenpreneur.

Technology start-ups that sell to businesses are hot again with Silicon Valley investors, who are moving away from consumer-focused social companies, reports The Wall Street Journal.

According to, the amount of space available at local shopping centers has dropped for the first time in seven years. The reason? Retail sales are up, and construction has been scarce.

And finally, small businesses are revving up for the second annual Small Business Saturday. The promotion, started by American Express as a way to get smaller businesses on board with using the credit card, has taken on a life of its own. As Main Street looks forward to a rise in foot traffic on Saturday, business owners hope that shoppers are not ready to put their feet up this weekend. But, it's official: the holiday season has begun.
