‘What the Best CEOs Do to Create an Atmosphere Where Employees Flourish’: Book Excerpt

BOOK EXCERPT: The following is an excerpt from David Casullo’s new book,"Leading the High Energy Culture: What the Best CEOs Do to Create an Atmosphere Where Employees Flourish" (McGraw Hill).

Leading the High Energy Culture Atmosphere
Source: Amazon
Leading the High Energy Culture Atmosphere

In my 27-year career in business, and even before this, growing up in a small town, I’ve always been drawn to leaders who energize me—truly great leaders who share a seemingly intrinsic quality that envelops their being with pure energy in such a way that people around them find themselves energized as well.

This book is for you whether you are a highly accomplished leader, perhaps the CEO of a large company, or an emerging leader who wants to understand how the best leaders infuse valuable energy into their organization.

This book will tap the power of the resonating energy inside you—an asset that when leveraged will propel you personally to new heights of leadership success. As important, when your amplified energy flows through your organization, your business and your people flourish.

This book is a step-by-step process that explains how to drive your amplified energy into your culture to make your organization a “high-energy culture.”

In every organization—a business, a department within a business, an athletic team, a volunteer organization, a government, a school, a hospital, or a family—resonance begins with the leader and must be sustained by the leader. Although the energy is innate, the leader creates resonance through the clarity of his personal truths, the atmosphere in his organization, and his powerful, timely, and effective communication. Only when the leader’s behavior and words are aligned with his core personal truths does energy begin to resonate and have a stimulating effect. To prolong the effect, resonance must be intentional and pervasive and be deeply embedded throughout the organization.

There is enormous economic value to this high energy!

There are other significant benefits too. In business, the energized culture creates marketing gravity and draws customers to the company. There is an attractive force to this energy. It attracts the best talent, because these people want to play on your winning team. Investors and bankers are more inclined to capitalize these businesses. They feel the energy and sense something special is going on. Vendors recognize this as well and act to ensure that they are the chosen supplier to your unique culture.

School systems that possess this energized culture enjoy teachers and administrators who extend themselves beyond the call of duty to assist students beyond the school day, contribute selflessly to curriculum review and development, voluntarily attend professional development activities, and constantly seek to improve instruction. They don’t work by the clock but by the calling that is their profession.

Leaders who understand the power of their own energy and who act to leverage it are special and noteworthy, but this is “not reserved only for others.” You have within you similar power to create a high-energy culture of your own. Your leadership potential is unlimited.

This book is for you, a leader in a position to lead an organization who wants to understand how this energy inside, that already exists, is tapped, amplified, and made to become enormously powerful to you as an impassioned and potentially extraordinary leader.

David Casullo is president at Bates Communications, a national consulting firm specializing in leadership communication skills and strategy. His passion is developing leaders who have the courage and capability to change the world. His most recent book, “Leading the High-Energy Culture,” is published by McGraw-Hill. Dave can be reached at dcasullo@bates-communications.com.

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