Your First Move For Thursday May 3rd

Here’s our Fast Money Final Trade. Our gang gives you tomorrow’s best trades, right now.

Brian Kelly suggests longCoach as a play on the Chinese consumer.

Dan Nathan is a seller of US banks on rallies.

Karen Finerman recommends longGoogle. “It’s a mega-cap that’s trading too cheaply.” (For more on this trade read "Go Big or Go Home.")

Pete Najarian thinks Intel is a buy. “I think it’s going higher. I think its going through $30. Giddyup!”

Click here to see other Final Trade posts.

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Trader disclosure: On May 2, 2012, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s "Fast Money" were owned by the "Fast Money" traders; Dan Nathan is long AAPL JAN 450 PUTS; Dan Nathan is long BAC MAY 7 PUTS; Dan Nathan is long MS MAY 16/14/12 PUT FLY; Dan Nathan is long RIMM JAN 20/25 CALL SPREAD; Dan Nathan is long CHK MAY 16 PUTS; Karen Finerman is long AAPL; Karen Finerman is SHORT AAPL CALLS; Karen Finerman is long BAC; Karen Finerman is long JPM; Karen Finerman is long WMT; Karen Finerman is long TGT; Karen Finerman is long RIMM CALLS; Karen Finerman is short SPY; Karen Finerman is short IWM; Karen Finerman is short MDY; Brian Kelly is long IWM; Brian Kelly is long QQQ; Brian Kelly is long SPY; Brian Kelly is long KRE; Brian Kelly is long USG; Brian Kelly is long CAD DOLLAR; Brian Kelly is short SWEDISH KRONE; Pete Najarian is long AAPL; Pete Najarian is long C; Pete Najarian is long MS; Pete Najarian is long INTC; Pete Najarian is long INTC CALLS; Pete Najarian is long YHOO; Pete Najarian is long INTC ; Pete Najarian is long INTC CALLS; Pete Najarian is long YHOO; Pete Najarian is long SBUX; Pete Najarian is long SBUX CALLS; Pete Najarian is long PEP; Pete Najarian is long INTC; Pete Najarian is long FIO; Pete Najarian is long VISA CALLS; Pete Najarian is long STX CALLS; Pete Najarian is long MS; Pete Najarian is long MS CALLS; Pete Najarian is long TJX CALLS; Pete Najarian is long XCO CALLS

For Randall Kroszner
Nothing to disclose