Facebook Trading May Lead You to Drink

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Well...that was interesting, wasn't it?

As trading in Facebook was delayed a full half hour, I tweeted, "Greeks running NASDAQ."

When the stock finally opened, shares shot up about 10 percent, then came right back down to unchanged, and then...and then...

Some of you might need a drink.

Buzzfeed has come up with a collection of Facebook IPO cocktails. Unfortunately, the list came out before shares started trading.

For example, there's “The Zuckerpunch”: rum, lemonade, 7Up and orange juice. "Do your friends keep telling you your Facebook stock is overvalued?" asks Buzzfeed. "Aim for the solar plexus and give ‘em one of these...Stir it all together, put your hoodie on and get ready for a rocket ride to the top while you leave those suckers in the dirt!"

Still waiting on that rocket ride.

There's also “The Silicon Crush”: gin, maraschino liqueur, lemon juice and pitted cherries. "Having trouble landing a date? Not anymore with all that Facebook stock!...Who wouldn't want to date a piece of Silicon Valley like you?" Well…

Maybe you can up your Geek-factor-chick-magnet status with this new Facebook IPO t-shirt, though given today’s stock performance so far, I'm wondering if the thumb should point down.

Finally, my personal fave is “The Social Life Saver”: Malibu coconut rum and Midori melon liqueur. "You just bought Facebook stock and now you're ready to book that vacation to Hawaii huh?" Well, no, not if I paid over $42. "Kick off those flip flops and fill that glass up with ice, Malibu, Midori and drown the rest in Pineapple juice," the pitch continues. "Let the rising tide of Facebook stock wash you out to sea."

That's exactly what I'm afraid of.

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