Your First Move For Thursday August 23rd

Here’s our Fast Money Final Trade. Our gang gives you tomorrow’s best trades, right now.

Tim Seymour, founder of is a seller of Mobile Telesystems ahead of earnings.

Dan Nathan, editor and co-founder of, suggests shortMicrosoft due to troublesome earnings from Dell and Hewlett Packard. He thinks it doesn't bode well for the Windows 8 release.

Mike Murphy, founder and managing partner at Rosecliff Capital, thinks Toll Brothers is a buy due to strong earnings. However, he adds at current levels also buy puts for protection.

Brian Kelly, founder of Shelter Harbor Capital thinks ADM is a short, as a play on the drought.

Click here to see other Final Trade posts.

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Trader disclosure: On August 22, 2012, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s "Fast Money" were owned by the "Fast Money" traders; Tim Seymour is long BAC; Tim Seymour is long MSFT; Dan Nathan is long DS SEPT 90/80/70 PUT FLLY; Dan Nathan is long INTC SEPT 25/23 PUT SPREAD; Dan Nathan is long CSCO SEPT 16 PUTS; Dan Nathan is long MSFT OCT 30/28 PUT SPREAD; Dan Nathan is long DELL SEPT/OCT 11 PUT SPREAD; Dan Nathan is long SDS CALLS; Dan Nathan is long SEPT VIX 20 CALLS; Brian Kelly is long SPY PUTS; Mike Murphy is long WFC; Mike Murphy is long TOL; Mike Murphy is long LNG; Mike Murphy is long ANR; Mike Murphy is long TWI; Mike Murphy is long LEN