The Great Resignation: What to do before you quit your job

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The Great Resignation: What to do before you quit your job

U.S. workers are leaving their jobs in droves. In August 4.3 million Americans handed in their resignation, including 971,000 people working in the leisure and hospitality industry, which includes hotels and restaurants.
Tue, Oct 19 20213:55 PM EDT

Shawn Baldwin, producer

Americans are reassessing the way they work. According to an August 2021 poll, more than half of workers surveyed said they plan to look for a new job in the coming year.  Fifty-six percent of respondents said adjustable working hours and remote work were a priority.

And while some people have left the workforce entirely, job security and better pay are also top concerns for employees.

Jessica Thomas, former waitress and bartender

It's time to find something that is going to be better for my family, something more stable, something that I can provide, where I don't have to go to work and be like, Oh, is he gonna you know, am I gonna get fired today?

Shawn Baldwin

In August 2021 almost 4.3 million Americans quit their job. The resignation rate hit a 20-year high of 2.9%.

Working women have faced an even heavier burden, juggling childcare duties, virtual schooling and their careers.

Anthony Klotz, associate professor of management, Texas A&M University

We were all able to take a step back in the last year, and spend more time doing other things and really question the value of what we're doing at work, a number of people have made the decision, I need to make a change 

Shawn Baldwin

Dubbed The Great Resignation, the exodus of workers has left millions of jobs unfilled and created hiring challenges for companies.  

So, what does the realignment of the workforce mean for employees and businesses? And what steps should you take before quitting your job?