Better Your Business

The Invisible Piston of the New Economy Engine

Better Your Business - A CNBC Special Report

The digital revolution has gone far beyond the Internet, smart phone and GPS device in your vehicle. And though these devices have made life and work faster and easier, that may not be all for the good.

Many of us define the digital age from a consumer point of view: wireless this and that, smaller, lighter, more powerful electronics, convenience, portability and speed.

As our special report "Better Your Business" shows, success in the new, global economy is as much about new applications as it is about new ideas and new investment.

The digital revolution is an excellent example of that.

What was once the province of communications and electronics is now the invisible piston of the economic engine, powering every sector from software to health care to transportation to information.

Let "Better Your Business" show you the diversity of that digital world, from virtual reality to railroad networks to personal data. Take a look at our lineup of smart appliances. And find out which states are wired for technology and innovation.

Dive into the latest edition of our monthly special report on smart growth sectors and catch up on the previous one — clean tech.