American Greed: Season 2

The Martin Frankel Evidence Files

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Martin Frankel

"Financial Genius" with a keen eye for investments OR a criminal who steals retirement money from investors, embezzles $200 million from insurance companies throughout the US, and heads a harem? (Source: Corbis)

Sonia Howe Schulte

Frankel's ex-girlfriend, who left her husband to be part of Frankel's life and operation. She was sentenced to four years in federal prison for being part of his scheme. (Source: Toledo Blade)

Astrological Chart

Often used by Frankel to make financial suggestions as well as answer questions like, "Will I Go To Prison" April 4, 1999 as seen above. (Source: FBI - New Haven, CT)

Frankel’s Trading Floor

The command center where Frankel master minded his scheme on how to swindle millions. (Source: FBI - New Haven, CT)

Frankel's Connecticut Mansion

The mansion served as Frankel's business headquarters and harem compound. (Source: FBI - New Haven, CT)

John Hackney

Frankel's front man for his Insurance Holding company. Hackney helped Frankel deceive insurance company owners into selling their companies which led to the pilfering of millions of dollars. Hackney was sentenced to four years in Federal Prison. (Source: Williamson County Sheriff's Office)

Jack Robinson

The Founder and President of Protective Service Life Insurance Company, was one of the many insurance company owners who fell victim to Frankel's scams. (Source: Kurtis Productions)

Frances Burge

A casualty of Frankel's lifestyle. Burge was a member or Frankel's harem and allegedly became depressed after not becoming his girlfriend. Police reported she committed suicide in Frankel's mansion. (Source: Clarence Burge)

The Investigation

George Dale, the Mississippi Insurance Commissioner who started the investigation on Frankel’s fraudulent insurance holding companies which led to Frankel's arrest. (Source: Kurtis Productions)

FBI Agents

Joseph Dooley and Erin McNamara, the FBI Agents who tracked Martin Frankel from the United States to Europe. He was eventually apprehended in Germany. (Source: Kurtis Productions)


A burnt file cabinet found in the Connecticut mansion. Agents say Frankel's harem torched the documents in order to get rid of criminal evidence. (Source: FBI - New Haven, CT)

Monsignor Colagiovianni

Vatican Priest Monsignor Emilio Colagiovanni was an accomplice to Frankel's charades. Colagiovianni forges a document, stating that the Vatican contributed one billion dollars to a non-existing foundation. He was arrested while visiting family in the U.S. (Source: Associated Press)


In May 2002, Frankel pleaded guilty to 24 counts of wire fraud, securities fraud and racketeering. He was sentenced to 16 years in a Federal Prison in Texas. Federal Agent McNamara stated Frankel had "no remorse and felt he didn't think he did anything all that wrong."

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