
Office Envy: Inside New Relic's San Francisco headquarters

Get inside New Relic's San Francisco headquarters
Get inside New Relic's San Francisco headquarters

Regular massages and free swag are just part of daily life for more than 800 employees who work at New Relic.

Yvonne Wassenaar, Chief Information Officer, gave CNBC a behind the scenes look at the tech company's headquarters in San Francisco. New Relic is a software analytics company, which Wassenaar admits, "What that really means is that we're data nerds at heart."

The office boasts large windows and sunlight, which she says improves people's productivity and well being.

New Relic’s San Francisco office
Source: New Relic

All the conference rooms throughout the multistory office are named after popular bars and music clubs in San Francisco.

Wassenaar describes the "must-come spot," area of the office as right outside of its cafeteria. From t-shirts to hats, clothing hangers are always stocked with items that employees and guests are encouraged to grab.

The company went public in 2014.

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