
IKEA wants to power your home with solar panels

IKEA to sell solar panels in UK stores
IKEA to sell solar panels in UK stores

The next time you step into an IKEA, you may see solar panels next to the table lamps.

That is, if you live in the United Kingdom.

The Swedish company began selling the panels in three locations and online on Monday and is slated to open Solar Shops in all of its UK stores by the end of this summer, according to The Guardian.

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Despite recent cuts to solar subsidies for homeowners in the United Kingdom, IKEA remains optimistic that it will be able to drive sales with its solar panels.

"Obviously the climate has been changing in the past year in the UK but, nonetheless, our research showed a third of homeowners would really like to invest in solar, and the majority of those are driven by the opportunity to save money," Joanna Yarrow, head of sustainability at Ikea UK and Ireland, told The Guardian.

The Guardian reported that a typical home system would sell for 4,550 pounds (about $6,600).

Read the full report from The Guardian.