
Pizza Hut launches playable pizza box DJ decks

Pizza Hut unveils world's first playable DJ pizza box
Pizza Hut unveils world's first playable DJ pizza box

Aspiring DJs no longer need to dole out thousands of dollars for state-of-the-art equipment. They need only head down to Pizza Hut.

The company said Wednesday it has created the first playable DJ pizza box, according to Engadget.

The specialty cardboard pizza box, created by Novalia, a U.K.-based tech company, is outfitted with touch-sensitive decks, a mixer and buttons that control volume and pitch. It is battery powered and connects to a DJ's computer or smartphone via Bluetooth.

Customers looking to get their hands on the cardboard deck will need to pay close attention to Pizza Hut's U.K. Twitter feed. A limited amount of boxes will be available in only five of the 350 U.K. Pizza Hut locations.

Pizza Hut is no stranger to quirky tech-based promotions. Last year, it launched pizza boxes that turn into movie projectors.

Read the full story from Engadget.