
'Legend of Zelda' arcade game gets a sophisticated twist in a wine barrel

Trevor MacKenzie built a Zelda machine into a wine barrel.
Source: Trevor MacKenzie

For those of you who seek a more adult way to display your love for video games, here is a more "aged"-appropriate way to turn your passion into a piece of statement furniture.

Trevor MacKenzie, 31, crafted a "Legend of Zelda" arcade machine housed in a wine barrel he got off of Craigslist. The wine barrel arcade console can also run other retro games, like Megaman X. He posted a photo album of the process on Imgur and talked about it on Reddit.

MacKenzie got idea from an Arcade Controls forum user who created a similar barrel arcade machine to house his "Barrel of Kong" Donkey Kong game. He told CNBC the project took him three weeks for about 20 hours, which he completed after work in his backyard.

Admittedly, MacKenzie is a union carpenter, so the build was a little easier for him. But, he thinks most people can tackle the job with a little bit of determination.

"Don't be afraid to fail," McKenzie told CNBC. "Every project you mess up, and you have to start over again. Every project you screw something up, and you just have to finish it."

Trevor MacKenzie built a Zelda machine into a wine barrel.
Source: Trevor MacKenzie