The White House is apparently getting its infrastructure ideas from this Wall Street report

Construction work on a road reconstruction project.
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President Donald Trump plans to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure over the next decade, but exactly what that will look like has yet to be revealed. However, Axios thinks the White House is looking for ideas in a recent UBS report.

Trump met on Tuesday with around 20 executives of major companies like General Motors and IBM in an effort to ramp up support for the infrastructure initiative.

According to Michael Allen of Axios, who has posted a number of scoops related to the Trump administration so far, the White house is reading a 41-page report from UBS entitled, "Revitalizing America: Engaging civic capital for US infrastructure," also released on Tuesday.

Per the UBS report — written by Tom McLoughlin, Mike Ryan and Justin Waring of UBS — the No. 1 priority on the agenda is America's airports, followed by surface transportation, maritime ports and water utilities. The so-called digital divide and the smart grid also garner mentions.