American Greed Episode 61: Pimp, Preacher, Profiteer

Case File

Pimp, Preacher, Profiteer

  • The Preacher
  • Once a preacher, Michael Lock was driven by a desire to get rich. Lock's determination led him from the pulpit to the streets of Milwaukee's thriving drug trade. The boy who used to preach on Sundays became a man with a cocaine business that would one day make $100,000 a week.
  • Mortgage Fraud
  • Lock continued a life of crime and tried his hand at a highly lucrative game…mortgage fraud. He recruited credit worthy young women to act as straw buyers and created phony appraisals on rundown buildings. Lenders were duped into loaning hundreds of thousands of dollars for buildings worth far less.
  • Crime Scene
  • A gruesome discovery revealed Lock's real secrets were buried right in his own back yard. Two bodies were found at a home he once owned. As one team of investigators digs into the graves …another digs into Lock's past.

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