Remembering the Stock Market Crash of 1987

  • These hotshots aren't household names. Until recently, they've shunned the limelight.

  • Having fallen sharply the previous day, the Industrials suffer a triple-digit loss to 2246 in unusually high trading volume on the New York Stock Exchange, posting a near-10% decline on the week.

  • Black Monday hits ... Stocks open sharply lower and continue to fall for most of the session, as the Dow sheds 508 points, or 22%, to 1738. Trading volume is triple the recent daily average.   ... Follow along as NBC Nightly News reports on the day and the damage done.

  • Despite talk of a delayed open, the NYSE starts trading at the usual time. The Dow opens sharply lower only to stage a 200-plus point rally and close with a gain of more 100 points at 1841. Trading volume surpasses that of the previous session

  • Stocks open higher and stay that way. The gains 185 points to close at 2027. Trading volume declines but remains at more than twice the daily average.

  • The Dow falls at the opens and trades 200 points lower at its worst point in the session. A recovery helps erase much of the loss, but the index still closes almost 80 points lower.

  • With new meaning to the phrase TGIF, the market opened flat and the Dow traded in a relatively narrow range. Volume moved closer to pre-crash levels. The blue-chip index ended the day a quarter of a point higher. The loss for the week was 13%.

  • Whether it was timing the market from prison, dealing with panicky investors at work or losing a fortune,  readers recall  how the crash affected their lives and  balance sheets.

  • Twenty years after the crash of 1987, the market is at or near a record high. Such was also the case in 1997 on the the 10-year anniversary of the crash.  Here's how CNBC saw it then.

  • The warning signs were clear to one key member of Congress who wanted the agency to look into the increasingly volatile and worrisome market in early October.

  • Top market theorists, economists, authors, money managers, Wall Street executives and a key Congressman share their thoughts on what happened  and what's different today.

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    Sure they both happened in October and were case studies in fear and panic. The big difference is that investors lost their shirts in 1929, while in 1987 it was more like misplacing your wallet for about a year.

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    Pretty much regardless of whom you ask -- economists, statistical theorists, Wall Street veterans -- the answer is: Yes, Black Monday can happen again. That answer, however, is not as black and white as it may seem.

  • It's hard to believe but CNBC did not exist at the time., but  CNBC veterans Bill Griffeth, Sue Herera and Ron Insana, then at FNN,  covered the event. Here's how they remember it.

  • Many are quick to say that when it comes to investing little has changed since the crash.  Twenty years later, however, Wall Street and the securities business are quite a bit different.

