Warren Buffett Wants to Know What YOU Predict


Warren Buffett will be answering your emailed questions Monday morning during all three hours of Squawk Box, starting at 6a Eastern.

Today, he's asking you a question.

He asked our Becky Quick to poll the CNBC audience to see what you predict:

Warren told Becky: "The answer will be in the Berkshire Hathaway annual report...sort of..." He'll discuss the question, and its answers, with Becky on Monday's Squawk.

Buffett's shareholder letter will be released today (Friday) at 4:30PM ET. Check back here and on CNBC for full coverage.

And watch Squawk Box on CNBC first thing this coming Monday at 6am ET, when Warren Buffett will sit down in Omaha with Becky Quick for a series of exclusive, live interviews appearing throughout Squawk's three hours, focusing on this year's letter and your emails.