Goldman Bankers Still Fratastic at Heart

It seems the Goldman boys have a hard time parting with frat life.

The Goldman Sachs booth on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange
Getty Images
The Goldman Sachs booth on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange

The London Evening Standard is reporting that a Goldman recruit in London experienced some pretty humbling hazing during his first week on the job.

Apparently, the recent graduate introduced himself to two senior bankers in a room near the trading floor, after which one of his superiors said the following:

“I am going to call you DavisCO, it's better,” the senior man said.

“Right, well that's not my name. It's Davison.”

“Not any more it's not, it's now DavisCO. That's a better name for you.”

“Well, okay, I guess you can call me that,” said the graduate.

“Now, go and tell human resources you need to have your name changed on the system and your email. You are now DavisCO.”

“Are you being serious?”

“Completely f***ing serious, and I'll check to make sure you do as well.”

The senior bankers no doubt got a big kick out of this. HR on the other hand? Probably not so much.

Starting a new job, hard. Starting your new job at Goldman Sachs, hard and humiliating.

(Hat tip Business insider)


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