Occupy Wall Street: Live Blog

This is a live blog of CNBC's "Speaker's Corner" hosted in New York City where the group, Occupy Wall Street has set up camp.

OWS Protesters
Getty Images | Spencer Platt
OWS Protesters

On September 17, 2011 a loosely organized group calling themselves Occupy Wall Street gathered in NYC to protest corporate greed, social inequality and other divisions between the rich and the poor.

On the group’s Web site, Occupywallstreet, they describe themselves as a “leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions.

The movement has spread from a few dozens to hundreds and has spread from New York to many cities including, Los Angeles, Tampa and Portland, Oregon and to Boston.

There are many questions about the group and about the group's goals. It is our goal here at CNBC to give them a chance to share their voices and for those who want to learn more about them, to hear what they have to say and what they're hoping to do in this live blog. (You can read Monday's post here) This is all part of CNBC's Special Report on Occupy Wall Street which you can check out here.

This post will be updated frequently so please refresh and check-in regularly. All times are Eastern. The most recent posts are here at the top.

4:16 PM - When You're in the City, Check Out...

Another visitor to NYC is enjoying the protests - finds it "very inspiring."

And with that - we're shutting down CNBC's Speaker's Corner for tonight. Thanks for reading, that's for sharing your comments.

4:14 PM - Wants More

Paul from Cincinnati, OH is there at OWS 'cause he wanted to hear other points of views. He says it's very peaceful, very respectful and that he's gotten loads of information he wants to review.

4:13 PM - Maybe the Second Time?

Jeff says he's running for president again - it'll be his second time. He says the government is keeping him quiet - that he has proof that GW ordered the bombing of the WTC. Says "America has been overthrown...and urges all .. to tell their friends"

4:12 PM- Glory Days

Ed from Baltimore, who's retired is now talking, is a small businessman and says he's "scared to death of what's happening now." He says the money-class folks are getting too powerful and that they're not happy with just having money - they want power. Ed says it's rallies like this one that helps energize the country and "helps turn around the country to help it return to what it is and what it should be"

4:09 PM - My Favorite Moment

So, I've been watching this non-stop for two days blogging away. My favorite part has to be right now - an elderly gentleman is on his cellphone with his wife standing by the Speaker's Corner holding his sign asking her if she can see him. She can. He's happy - no he's asking her what's for dinner.

Man's gotta eat.

4:00 PM - Still Believes in Hope

Dale from Vermont says he's got a job and he's been involved in politics...and says he has 6 children but sadly believes the "American Dream is long gone."

Says he's not here for himself - but for those "behind me" - meaning the protesters and the future generations.

Says it's time to stand up - that we can't continue to go this way. Dale, who is 55 and has a job (that he's had for 26 years) says despite everything, "there is still hope" because of OWS.

OWS march on 5th
Spencer Platt
OWS march on 5th

3:51 PM - "Long Live Everything"

Daniel who lives in NYC says he supports OWS - but he believes in capitalism ... and doesn't think it's a contradiction. He says he doesn't mind that the shareholders win more than labor. He says "we won, we're the winners" - everybody likes getting cheaper goods from China...but at the same time a lot people are disasstified with Washington...it's hard to comprehend to bail-out the banks and then cut social security and cut funding for teachers...and that's the real problem... a lot of people are fed up with the tax policy...not everybody here is some Marxist ..we believe in capitalism... but we need help from Washington to help spread the wealth.. The Buffett Tax rule isn't the beginning of Marxism... we're not all against public companies...OWS is great branding....we need balance... Long Live Everything."

3:47 PM - I Like The Harmonica

Singing, "when the helmets hit the ground..."- actually he's pretty good...going to get the video here as soon as I can cause I like this one and he sings way too fast for me to keep up with.

Watch this space -- I'll post it shortly.

Update: Matt singing "When the helmets hit the ground" is right after the "Raging Grannies" in the video clip.

3:39 PM - Raging Grannies

Grannies with a guitar (who kept saying, don't swear, don't swear, it's not good for the grandkids) sang "Good News..... Occupy Wall Street is Good News.... "

Lyrics include: "If you can't pay your mortgage or your rent, welcome to the 99%, Good news, Occupy Wall Street is coming and you don't want us to leave you behind.. We don't want corporate criminals stealin' our bucks, ifyou like to drink the water and breathe the water, Occupy Wall Street is a comin' ... and you don't want us to leave you behindddddddddd."

You can check out their video on the clip.

3:34 PM - Not So Jerseylicious

Lexia from NJ just lost her job last week - but she's not too upset about it. She says she would have quit it anyway to come down to OWS.

And then she dropped the F-bomb


Another great representation for JerZey. Thanks 'ppreciate it.

Well this blogger who lives in Jersey wonders what happened to the Garden State's Glory Days before folks from Rhode Island and New York started passing themselves off as Jersey Girls?

3:32 PM - Why Occupy Wall Street Doesn’t Have A List of Demands

CNBC's John Carney just posted this to his blog:

"It’s a question that everyone asks me about Occupy Wall Street.

“What do they really want?”

Unlike many protest movements, Occupy Wall Street has refused — so far — to issue a manifesto or a list of demands. This leads many outsiders to wonder whether or not there really is a point to Occupy Wall Street at all.

In some ways the desire by outsiders to see a list of demands is related to another question: “How long will this go on?” A list of concrete demands would provide a starting place for ending Occupy Wall Street. It would be the beginning of a negotiation to end the occupation.

One of the young women who appeared on CNBC.com's Speaker’s Corner livestream today explained why she thinks Occupy Wall Street should never even begin this process of wrapping up.

“I don’t think we should issue a list of demands at all. That’s not what this is about,” said Katherine Hewlitt of Portland, Maine.

So what is it about?"

You can read John's full post here

3:30 PM - Carries a Big Stick

Eddie is there because he "agrees with the marchers that something is wrong with America." Eddie, a well-spoken elderly man hopes that this movement gives "birth to a broad coalition for a better America" - he wants to see health care for all, better jobs and better education.

3:28 PM - Max Delivers a First Class Statement

Max - a postal employee who is in the union is there to lend his "quiet support". Max, an immigrant (didn't say from where) wants to see some changes - perhaps the US could do some of the social changes that are happening in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

3:27 PM - A Higher Calling

Scott from Hawaii says he heard about the "mess down here" and wanted to come down and see what was going on ... and what's going on according to Scott is that they're not listening to Jesus.

3:25 PM - North of the Border

A visitor from Mexico City says it's really sad to see so many young people without work and that she hopes the world changes

3:22 PM - Her Maine Concerns

Woman from Maine came down to share her views. She wants to see the Glass Steagall Act brought back. She wants to see a debt relief on student loans -- and she says Wall Street can pick up the tab. She wants to see an end to the rapid/computer-driven trades on Wall Street.


3:19 PM - Ban Frackin'

A woman upset with the freekin' frackin wants to see its end.

OWS march on 5th
Getty Images | Spencer Platt
OWS march on 5th

3:17 PM - Meanwhile

On NY's Upper East Side Protesters marched and CNBC's Kayla Tausche reports.

3:14 PM - Inspiration Found In The Ruins

Stefan from Brooklyn came to the Speaker's Corner after seeing the museum at the World Trade Center. He was inspired by what he saw there and thinks that spirit should help propel Congress to pass Obama's jobs bill.

3:12 PM - Freedom and Unity

John from Vermont came down yesterday to check out the movement and says it's a wonderful experience to see all the young people voicing their concerns. He's also against all the lobbyists in DC. He wants those who brought the country down to be held accountable.

3:09 PM - Let Freedom Ring

Ken says he's there to "support the kids out here." Says a lot of them back in the day "sold out, cut their hair and went corporate." He wants to see an end of ALL lobbying. Says what's good about the movement is the freedom of speech.

3:07 PM - A Lesson Everyday

Melissa a teacher in NYC says she's there to help her become a better teacher - she's there to "Learn"

3:05 PM - From Our Twitter Feed and Facebook Friends:

Abe Hamideh lobbyists are like rats!

Michael Freeland Anyway Jackson broke the federal reserve bank and most of the the banks failed as well because Jackson put on the specie standard

@­LARRYLOVE­1966 Wow what an inspired movement. Changing the world.

@Bet_Money wall street breaks laws every day

@­LARRYLOVE­1966 That is one ugly crowd. No wonder they are ­unemploye­d.

3:01 PM - A Tourist In NYC

German tourist stopped by just to see what was happening.

I'm like, what's going on over there?

2:56 PM - We Will Be Heard

Man reading from a long list talks about all that "we reject" including the fact that "businesses are people".. says he wishes the Tea Party would join the effort. Says "we are a global movement" standing in solidarity with the oppressed around the world, is morally outraged that millions in the richest country in the world, don't have healthcare, that the environment is at risk, says the movement is "on the right side of history."

2:49 PM - New Slideshow: Scenes from the ‘Occupy’ Protests

Can't be there in person - check out our new slideshow - see what you're missing.

Cnbc speakers corner
Cnbc speakers corner

2:47 PM - Dylan - Again

Eats an avocado and then swears he won't eat again until $15,000.00 is raised to feed the people down there.

2:43 PM - Evoluton Not Revolution

Man from Queens is up talking saying he's not angry - he doesn't blame anyone - he just wants to see real change in our communities, in our country, in our world. He says he's not trying to bring down the system -- he wants to work WITH governments and business to affect real change.

Hopes that this movement can shake up real change.

2:40 PM - Here For You

Ben says he's there to show his support. He says we've got big, big problems and that its' bigger than Wall Street...that it's about oil, water, global concerns. Peddles a book "End of Truth" - but he's giving away 100 free copies. Just for that -- here's a link to his website

2:40 PM - Rio Rage

Man from Brazil speaking now says the world needs to be better...and to do that we need to, "occupy the world."

2:38 PM - Now She Tells Us

Woman takes the stand to say "You're in the wrong place....You gotta go to Washington"

2:37 PM - My Best Year, Ever

Realtor talking now, says that actually he's had his best year ever (oh, so he's the one.) BUT - He says he's there to protest what's going on (the corruption in government and on Wall Street) - that the system is rigged.

2:34 PM - Mortified in Upstate NY

Henry from upstate NY says he's "mortified" with the country he's leaving for his kids and his grandkids. He's there in NYC to support OWS - to support these "young people to show them our gratitude and thanks."

2:32 PM - Dear Ben, You're Fired

Michael says he's enjoying what he's seeing down in NYC at OWS. Says if want our country back - "End the Fed."

CNBC speakers corner
CNBC speakers corner

2:29 PM - And on the 8th Day Wall Street Created

Man speaking now says the folks on Wall Street don't really create a thing ... it's all funny money, they move assets from one account to another.

Says we took away the "adult supervision" and that Wall Street needs more regulation - not less. Then he says the young generation is drawn to Wall Street for the money - and that's causing a huge drain in other areas like education and medicine.

Says it's time to bring back the Glass Steagall Act. He wants to see an FCC with some real teeth... ends by saying, Bring back the sanity.

2:28 PM - End the Wars

Man at the podium is against the wars - says "they're bleeding us dry."

2:26 PM - He Pushes 'Em

YIKES - speaker now is a personal trainer (as in don't mess with him) and his clients are the 1%'rs -- but he wants to be there to share his voice and his pecs! (ha) He wants to see an end to greed.

2:25 PM - Visiting From Queens

Greg is up now says it's not just a physical or economic problem -- we're facing a spiritual problem and Jesus will save.

He's now witnessing.

He's done - on his way back to work.

2:23 PM - Go Greenbacks

Speaker up now talks about just how bad it'll get IF the dollar is not the world's leading currency.

2:20 PM - Don't Judge Me

College Prof is talking now - telling everyone not to dismiss the movement because of the "hippy looking freaks." Says they have a clear, good message and only want positive change.

2:18 PM - Dad

Newest speaker wants to talk about how frustrated he is ... how sad it is that his kid is struggling to pay for his college education. He says "greed is no good." Says he "sees the country going downhill" BUT -- (and this part is important) he says that he's been praying for something good to happen - and he thinks this is it ... and believes something good will come from the movement.


2:17 PM - I've Got Wrinkles

Woman takes the podium to say she's got wrinkles and that the movement is not just for a bunch of loonies, long-haired, freaky, hippie-dippie, nuts. That it's for the real people.

Good to know, 'cause I've got wrinkles too.

2:16 PM - Enough

Man from Harlem says he's upset that the government is cutting all the programs that the needy ... well, need. He says all the cuts are happening while the folks on Wall Street are getting richer.

2:15 PM - New Sheriff In Town

Catherine says she's in NYC as part of OWS/Maine -- she insists that OWS not give the media a list of their "demands."

2:13 PM - I Should Know

Elderly man at the podium saying how good it used to be - and how it all sucks now. (My words, not his -- but seriously, that's his gist.)

He can no longer afford good health care or dental. He wants a better society not for the 1%'rs but the 99%'rs...saying, "people before profits."

2:12 PM - Seriously?

Ok, there's a really, well spoken man on now -- but I'm still a little "shattered/shocked/frightened" by Dylan.

Cnbc speakers corner
Cnbc speakers corner

2:08 PM - OMG -- Dylan Again?

Dylan is back for his 4th visit to the podium. He's reading what he wants from his marriage (remember his girlfriend dumped him!)

He wants his ex to get a disease, die...he wants the new girl in the office to notice him... he wants a bolt of lightning to strike his ex dead...he wants to smoke a bowl of Maui Wowie...he wants to sit by a lake and talk to his dead aunt ... he wants a woman with a good heart ... he wants his ex wife to get a lethal injection ...but to survive (?--hey, it's his story) ... he wants to read poetry, he wants to read poety while drunk and then climb upstairs with a good woman and then he wants....WAIT -- this is a family friendly blog.

OH NO -- I think he's going to start crying. Yep...he's crying. He's thinking of his Aunt Betty. We had to pull him. Sorry.

2:06 PM - Another New Yorker

Takes the podium. Woman says she's glad she came down to see what is going on and is "hopeful for a better tomorrow for all of us."

And who said NY'ers are cynical?

2:04 PM - Big Point

Andre the Giant -- (for real -- this speaker is really, really tall) is at the podium and is "inspired by what's going on."

Andre is a college student and is really inspired to read more about our Founding Fathers. (That's good, make sure you really read all those quotes by TJ -you'll need em...see below)

Says all the problems are NOT fully the banks problems -- that we all need to take ownership of the blame....but that we need to work together.

CNBC speakers corner
CNBC speakers corner

2:00 PM - Accordion Man is Back

Same man - same song, "Man in the Mirror"...but he has back-up.

Duo sings Jackson's song. I don't know - doesn't sound that bad....if I was at my grandpa's club sipping suds.

I'll give 'em a polite albeit small clap.

For those of you who missed him - check out this tape.

1:59 PM - Man of the Press

Man talking now says he's a part of the "press corps" and explains why they're all there. Says "we have a long way to go." Says "wealthy people/organizations" have to do more - it's their responsibility.

1:55 PM - Man In a Button-Downed Shirt

Says the US is walking down the wrong path. Says corporations like GE (he said it, not me) are a "joke."

1:52 PM - Just Visiting Thanks

Woman at the podium now in town visiting her brother and talked him into coming down to see what was happening. Says she just wants big business to pay their share.

OH ---

And now she says all the movie stars and pros (athletes) should pitch in and save the country ... says they have all the money - they should dig deep into their pockets and save the country.

1:48 PM - Robert Duvall 2.0

Man comes to the podium to say... and I'm quoting here, "I love the smell of revolution in the morning."

Ahhhhh.... and I know what you want now -- so here it is

1:46 PM - Is It Too Late?

Young man takes the stand just to ask...Is it too late to make a change?

1:45 PM - We Shall Not Be Moved

Boomer takes the podium for a brief pep talk -- that this movement is like others in the past (remember those Viet Nam marches) and says to stay the course

1:44 PM - Thanks Mom

Our next speaker says she's proud to see "the young people here."

1:41 PM - Booze and Banks

Next speaker says, "Blaming Wall Street for our problems is like blaming kids at an adults' party drinking the booze." Says you can't protest against greed - it's part of human nature - just like sexual desire...

Ads government is the problem so it can never be part of the solution.

1:31 PM - One Helluva Hat

Jacob from Coney Island is wearing a red, white and blue cowboy hat. He came up to the podium to say he came to the US from Israel and had a great life until the World Trade Center was destroyed. He said he made a good living but now - he just came to the park from the welfare office. He says he likes to go there to check out how things are going on for those who are in need.

Oy...not sure where this is going....but let's stay with him.

Jacob says we all need work - without work there's no money (gotcha).

Says those who are getting welfare are appreciative but they want jobs - even a minimum wage job.

Jacob has a sign saying, "Bill Clinton, Why did you remove the Glass Steagall Act of 1933?" And just under that - "Mr. Bush, Why did you rape the US?"

1:28 PM - From Our Facebook Friends:

Michael Metyk: A clear ­demonstra­tion of our failed education system.

1:24 PM - Quoting TJ

Man takes to the podium to quote Thomas Jefferson on banks (ughh... I knew I should have paid attention to Miss La Rosa in American History)

I think this is the full quote he quoted,

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - TJ

Faithful readers - send your comments if I got it wrong... I kind of slept through 8th Grade American History cause I had a huge crush on......


1:23 PM - Whacko Jacko


Man with an accordion takes to the podium to sing Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror."

Yes...he's singing ... with an accordion. Actually not bad. Hmmm wonder if he does parties?

1:20 PM - College Man

Attending the movement cause he's got a butt-load of student loans and he's hoping to get out from under his debt.

1:17 PM - Man in a Poncho

Dude, it's like 80 degrees!!!

Brennan says he's there because we're finally learning that one person's problem is everybody's problem... and that we all like to play the "blame game." Brennan says there is no Them Vs. Us -- we're all in this together. Says once we all understand the 1%'rs then we can all live together as 100'rs.

1:16 PM - Grannie In A Tie-Dye

Ann from SLC says she'd rather be at the protests than riding the Circle Line. She's hoping to take some of the OWS spirit home to SLC. She says she's also there in hopes that she can make the world a better place for her grandkids.

1:13 PM - Gotta Love a Liberal

Bernie the writer says he's there because he's a "liberal." Suffers badly from hay fever. Says they're all there cause they're all 'liberal." Says all great movements are the results of "liberals" cites civil rights, womens rights, freedom, etc.

Bernie says what they're after is "equality in money - equality in freedom." Says cause is about "equality....that means everybody gets paid the same amount of money..." Asks, "what the hell do you think this is all about....? It's about MONEY."

Then Bernie takes off on the Conservatives (he doesn't like them much). Says those OWS are there to create a happier world...and if you object..."you won't be happy."

1:12 PM - The Key to Peace in Your Heart

is forgiveness....according to this speaker - starts reciting the Lord's Prayer. Says it's important to forget and forgive the past IF we are going to have a chance for a good future.

1:10 PM - Smiles are Free

Woman - very happy woman - wants to share the love. Says "smiles are free to you and me."

Oh good gravy - she lost me after that.

1:09 PM - Spain: Part Deux - or Part Dos?

Another Spaniard took to the podium to say the movement started there and that they're glad to share the love.

1:08 PM - Get Off My Lawn

68 year old man says if he wanted a job -- he'd know just how to get one...that there's plenty of jobs for those who really want them

1:07 PM - We Built This City

Wow that's a busy shirt. Woman from Spain says she's proud of the movement, which she says started in Spain.

1:06 PM - Novel Idea

Woman speaker says she wants to see one government, for the people, by the people

1:05 PM - One of the 1%'rs

Man up at the podium says this is "the only corruption in the world, where corruption is legalized" and he hopes, "the Democrats will stand up to the Republicans."

Says he has a proposal - says there should be an AMT on corporations...not just homeowners.

Don't know what the AMT is -- click here.

1:00 PM - From Our Twitter Feed:


@skydiving9 give free cars to anyone that wants them

@KraftyWur­ker End The Federal ­Reserve--­-no more central bank.

@­enslaved_­one CNBC is the most ­intellige­nt news source in America.

Why thank you enslaved one -- I now set you free.

12:55 PM - There Goes the Movement

CNBC's Bob Pisani just filed a fun blog post that begins:

"Opening soon: The Occupy Wall Street Bar and Grill?

You know the cultural zeitgeist is getting thrown in a blender when stock traders in midtown call me up and say, "Hey Bob, I'm coming downtown tonight...wanna grab a beer and hang out with the protesters?"


The guys Bob deals with and of whom he is referring are those "Fat Cats/The Wall Streeters/The 1%'rs" -- YEP ... they wanna go down and see what OWS is all about and "hang out."


You can read Bob's post here.

12:50 PM - Meanwhile... Across Town

'member how I told you all the nannies on the East Side would be really upset today....here's why...the OWS is on the move.

"The Occupy Wall Street movement takes its protests to the New York homes of super-wealthy executives on Tuesday as Goldman Sachs boss Lloyd Blankfein canceled a talk at a college in the city.

..."Join us on a walking tour of the homes of some of the bank and corporate executives that don't pay taxes, cut jobs, engaged in mortgage fraud, tanked our economy ... all while giving themselves record setting bonuses," said NYC Communities for Change, one of several groups organizing the protest."

You can read more here.

12:45 PM - A Selfless Act

Businessman takes the podium to say folks are down there for those who can't be: those who have lost their homes, those who are buried in credit card debt, those who are struggling to pay for their child's education.

12:42 PM - This Man Wants Change

Max, the musician/artist says he likes being there because there are so many creative people who want to change the country - change Wall Street - change the amount of power that corporations "have over the US government." Says if there wasn't so much outsourcing of jobs to China, India and Mexico and if the companies had kept the jobs in the US ... the corporations would have more money and so would the American people. Says if the jobs came back to the US - there would be jobs and there wouldn't "be much of a problem anymore."

12:40 PM - The Door is Open

Ben from upstate NY says he's at the protest because "things aren't right." Says we've all gotten used to "our prison cells" and that we need to "check the prison door and that it's been open all along and all we have to do is seize our freedom."

12:34 PM - From Our Twitter Feed

@Renzo Roth does he really work for cnbc or found that shirt

Note: Yes, that's Alex and he does work for us -- see earlier post :)


12:30 PM - Occu-Pies Are In the Oven

You gotta love this country....even if you don't.

Chow.com reports:

"No matter where you stand on the Occupy Wall Street protests, it’s hard not to be intrigued by this OccuPie from Liberatos Pizza, which is located downtown on Cedar Street. The $15 pie—identifiable by the "no smoking sign"–like ring of pepperoni—has been ordered by protest supporters worldwide.

Owner Telly Liberatos and his staff are delivering hundreds of pies to the rally site daily, according to Gawker. Still, Liberatos told a Bloomberg reporter that he's not being political. “I don't take sides," he said. "It was a very slow summer. I’m trying to run my business.”

We were curious about where else protestors and their supporters might snag good eats in the area, either to feed themselves or the masses. In this thread on Wall Street dining, fm1963 suggests the luxe SHO Shaun Hergatt. (Might the restaurant's $85 prix fixe, which includes the Nova Scotia lobster, be available for delivery? A phone call to the restaurant clarified things: My question was met with a giggle and a "No, ma’am. Sorry, we do not.")"

12:28 PM - The DJ Spins His Tune

First speaker from our quick break - a "DJ" - calls on the government to take some action ... to make things better.

12:26 PM - And We're Back

Toldja it wouldn't be long. Bring on the speakers.

12:15 PM - A Musical Interlude

So, we have to shut down the Speaker's Corner for 15 minutes -- SERIOUSLY - just 15 minutes because we need the camera to do double duty. (Hey, we all have to do more now, you know that - and I bet you could use a break to grab a drink, a sandwich maybe even go to the bathroom)

So.... I wanted to share this video I found on YouTube this morning - thinking every protest needs a theme song. If you see something - send me a comment and a link - we'll share it...cause you know, sharing is caring.

12:11 PM - Your Comments

ImmortalClumpus writes..

"The protests will be increasing in the US right up to Nov/2012 elections. This will produce a large increase of college students, union workers, seniors, unemployed, middle income blue/white collar workers and minorities at the polls.

These large numbers will be voting for liberal democrats and thus will come to an end the reign of GOP/Tea Bagger conservatives. The huge number of masses who will vote cannot be overcome by the much smaller number of white rich Wall Street invested voters who fear the rise of the minorities and the socialism that is necessary for them to also have a share in the American dream.

The party will soon be over on Wall Street."

mjsch293 writes..

"I would like to see some of traders start their own protest. It would finally be David vs. Goliath. Plus we would know who they are!"

12:10 PM - In the End...

...it's all about love.

That's what he said. And then he left. Just like most of my dates.

12:07 PM - From our Twitter Feed:

@_chaosdji­nn_ ­Revolutio­ns should not end when it starts ­raining..­..just watch the next 3 days with rain in the forecast

12:05 PM - Start of Something Big

Cory is on the stand now saying we should not accept things the way they are now. Says they're all there to bring change and hopes this might build up to "something bigger than this." He wants it to grow and that something really comes from the movement. Encourages all to visit the movement - that it's an experience of a lifetime.

12:03 PM - The English Professor

Man who moved to the US from the UK says it's really a sad situation right now and that the younger generation has it really bad.

Says he's there "we're all working in our own quiet ways to get our message out...and this is one way."

Says the government is wasting way too much money that could be better spent elsewhere. (But of course he said it in an English accent, so it sounded really, really smart)

12:00 PM - G7, G20, Gee Whiz

This morning on CNBC, Sen. Judd Gregg talked about the movement, saying the protesters are mis-guided and that many of them are professional protesters.

You can watch the interview here.

11:57 AM - Cough It Up Wall Street

Randy from the Bronx says he's there to show his sign that reads, "Wall Street Give it Up - Back to Main Street."

He says it's time for Wall Street to give it back, give all the money back ...that folks are hungry and homeless and that it's Wall Street's fault.

11:53 AM - A Working Man's Story

Christopher says he used to work for a bank - giving out loans. He says folks don't understand how things really work -- BUT -- he says yes, now is the time for a change. Says he's working hard for his family, but c'mon folks....things gotta get better.


11:52 AM - Bottom Line Me

Woman says she's waiting for a concrete solution to the problems.

11:51 AM - Hello from Hawaii

Small business owner from Hawaii says she's there because we need to support green jobs and the environment.

11:48 AM - Tyko And His Blog

Tyko says he's a retired prof of art and art history and is a blogger (!). He says he's so upset with the Republicans. Says he's been there since day one, took some photographs, wrote a blog, went home -- came back, did the same and is back today to do the same. He says this is the first time in many decades that the real 99%'rs have a chance to have their say. He says among the 99'rs are the cops who are having to make the arrests - and are worrying about their own futures. He ends by saying he hopes the protesters will be blessed with good October weather.

11:43 AM - Making Deliveries

Bob from Bay Ridge (that's Brooklyn folks) - biked in to bring some clothes (Attn: Coatless in Minneapolis) he's in his 60's is so happy with the young kids in the movement and wanted to help out.

11:41 AM - One Immigrant's Story

New immigrant who came to the US for the American Dream...says he's discouraged and says he's an engineer but that the bankers have corrupted everything...is very happy with the movement 'cause they're telling everyone what's really going on.

11:41 AM - Time for a Change

Nancy from Idaho says she wants to speak about the high cost of medical insurance. Says she's always been responsible, has always had a job...but then when she lost her job - it was impossible for her to get insurance...she wants a change.

11:40 AM - Rx for Earth

Stephanie a nurse says she's there for many reasons but her number one reason is that she wants economic/environmental justice - she wants better protection for the earth.

11:38 AM - Words from the Windy City

Man from Chicago says he's there to support the movement and that Wall Street should be held responsible for stealing money and jobs from America.

11:36 AM - Bad Fortune

Man who says he used to work for some of the big banks and says he was arrested at Tiananmen Square says the government forced the banks to fire him because of some threatened cyber attack. Says of his experience on Wall Street - says Wall St is as evil as the Chinese government. Says those so-called "jobs" in China are being filled by prisoners - says when he was in Chinese prisons - he did work and didn't get paid...in fact never got paid.

11:32 AM - Teachers Aid

Joanna from Michigan a college teacher and student says she was arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge and when she was put in jail - she was sitting there with 5 women - 5 teachers who were out only to protect their own pensions and health benefits - just like the cops who arrested them.

Says this movement has been a high point in her life and wishes her family and her students could be there. She's there for those who can't be.

11:31 AM - Education Matters

Mark from Rochester is upset with what he's reading about funding wars. He asks how many schools could we fund if we stopped funding the wars.

11:30 AM - Mr. Smiley

Is up next saying he's there to protect the protesters...this Brooklyn man is against the rich - they should be taxed more.

11:21 AM - It's the Corruption, Stupid

Bill, a self-proclaimed "organizer" of the movement takes the podium and says he's against corruption. He wants the government to work for the people - NOT the banks and big business. He says the movement is not against banks - it's against corruption. Bill says he wants true equal representation banks and people should be treated the same. He says corruption ruined the Health Care Bill.

Repeats they're not anti-banks or anti-big business. Says the movement will not endorse a political party or candidate. Says right now the government can not truly represent the movement. Says what the movement is all about - the anger of the American people "we don't fit into a political package." Says the movement can't support Obama's Jobs Bill as it is now.

Bill says "we're at the base of the castle demanding reform and change." Wants folks not to send money to them but rather, send the money to food banks and other charities - to truly do social good.

Wraps up by saying, "we're not here to party...if you see folks dancing or drumming, it's cause we need time to relax...the people are so dedicated to this movement, that they're putting their lives in jeopardy...remember people you are the democracy....it is your responsibility to defend the constitution and defend the country from corruption."

Gets a big applause from those listening

11:20 AM - Photo Stop

Our Speaker's Corner has become quite the photo stop for tourists. Can't you just hear those talks back home...here's me at the Statue of Liberty, me at the Empire State Building, me at the Carnegie Deli, me at the OWS.

11:19 AM - We've Only Just Begun

Saying he's really, really proud of all those who are out there, our next speaker gave an "atta boy" to those out there...saying not to give up.

11:17 AM - Time to Vent

Damion says now is the time to vent your frustration and not to worry about what the movement's "message" is yet, saying it will soon become clear. Says it's a good time and he's hopeful they'll make a change.

11:15 AM - Fed and Fed

Robert a business owner takes to the podium to say government programs are fed by the taxpayer and fear transparency

11:14 AM - From Our Twitter Feed:

­@KraftyWur­ker End The Fed

11:05 AM - Signs of the Times

Carrying a sign reading "Separation of Business and State" a man comes to the podium and says folks, "the government is US...as in you and me." Tells folks if you're talking bad about the government - you're dissing your fellow man. Says he loves the US - it's a "beautiful place" - gets into a great discussion with a heckler (really!!!) but holds his own - stays true to his message - says if you "love America ... you gotta participate" says putting a bumper sticker on your car ain't enough says "you gotta vote." Says the movement is "pure democracy."

Hey, he's from Minneapolis but he says he came without a coat -- what aren't they born with coats up there? But this man says he came to NYC without a coat and someone shared their coat with him. Ain't America great!

This is a great bit from Minneapolis Coatless - says the movement has been great for tourism in NYC, says Bloomberg should be very, very happy with the protesters.

Coatless is hoping to bring the message home to Minneapolis...once he regains his voice and a new coat.

11:02 AM - From Our Twitter Feed:

@enslaved_­oneIf they don't get some leaders soon, their movement is going to fall apart.


11:01 AM - Missionary Michael

Says he's there for the 1% rule. Is upset about our education system, our food and water system. He says yes, there are some problems in the US, but says it's not all bad. He gave a shout-out to NASA - asking them to share the technology with all of us.

11:00 AM - From Our Twitter Feed:

@Daddys_Ho­use remember, for every one person there in zuccutti park there are hundreds if not thousands that can not attend.

10:58 AM - Ah, C'mon

Nice man from Korea came up - was way too brief on his statement, but was polite. All I got was, Thank you very much.

10:56 AM Losing the Shirt

Dylan is back -- taking off his shirt (is it that hot down there or he's just that proud of his chest, which ain't that bad....just sayin') Hmm, seems he got dumped by his girlfriend so he came down here to write a book. He's going to "hop the freight trains" to LA with his dog (?!). He's also hoping to write a blog. Great...he could start here.

10:52 AM - Get a Tambourine

So my pal Alex (an amazing producer here at CNBC and author of the blog, Warren Buffett Watch) is out there at Speaker's Corner trying to encourage folks to talk. I think he could draw a bigger crowd if he had a tambourine.

10:51 AM - The Quiet Man

He's back - Dylan from Canada is back. He spoke with us yesterday (he's writing a book, still plugging). He says he wants some love for the protesters...and he wants the photographers to stop taking photos of him - especially when he's sleeping.

10:49 AM - Bad Banks

Amanda the environmentalist says for years banks like Bank Of America are responsible for destroying the earth.

10:48 AM- Talkin' Bout My Generation

Ron a self-proclaimed Boomer says he's there to see if these young whippersnappers can do what the old guys ---oops I mean Boomers did in the 60's.

10:47 AM - Talking the Talk

Jen from NC came to the podium to say this is the first time she's ever felt inspired. She says seeing all the people is great and she wants to be a part of the conversation.

10:45 AM - Double Duty

A Columbus, OH magazine writer took to the stand - did a plug for his article and said he wants to keep corporate money out of the government.

10:44 AM - 7 Days at the Protests

A 17 year old who says he's been with OWS for seven days was our first to the podium this morning. Stepping up at Speaker's Corner this teen says the goal of the movement is in a word, "Peace."

10:25 AM - Not the Shrubbery!!!

I know, I thought it was another Monty Python skit- but it seems Boston really takes it shubbery seriously. NYDailyNews writes:

"More than 100 Occupy Boston protesters were busted early Tuesday after they clashed with cops, authorities said.

The arrests came after the demonstrators attempted to expand from Dewey Square, where a tent city has been growing for days, to the neighboring Rose Kennedy Greenway, a 1.5-mile stretch of parks and public spaces in downtown Boston.

Officials want to keep the protesters out of the greenway, fearing they will ruin recently planted shrubs that cost the city $150,000, according to The Associated Press."

10:14 AM - Attention Nannies: Your Morning Traffic Report

Stroller Alert:

Some of the people from Occupy Wall Street are planning a 'millionaire's march' to wealthy New Yorkers' homes.

My tip for the day, stay clear of Lex, Madison, 5th and Park Avenues.

Crain's NY Biz says between 400 and 800 people are expected to take part in the demonstration targeting the homes of JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon , billionaire businessman David Koch, financier Howard Milstein, hedge fund maven John Paulson and News Corp. Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch .

You just know this is going to be another entry into those "Nanny Diaries."

10:08 AM - A note from your friendly blogger: When you see OWS - it stands for Occupy Wall Street - d'uh.

10:00 AM - "God, I love 'em"

OWS is getting a ton of luvin’ from Eugene Robinson who writes in today’s Washington Post:

“Occupy Wall Street and its kindred protests around the country are inept, incoherent and hopelessly quixotic. God, I love ’em.

I love every little thing about these gloriously amateurish sit-ins. I love that they are spontaneous, leaderless and open-ended. I love that the protesters refuse to issue specific demands beyond a forceful call for economic justice. I also love that in Chicago — uniquely, thus far — demonstrators have ignored the rule about vagueness and are being ultra-specific about their goals. I love that there are no rules, just tendencies."

Wanna read more – check out Eugene’s WaPo post here

9:30 AM - The Rap on OWS

Oh and how could we have missed this … Kanye and Russell showing support!

The rapper and the mogul did their own “occupying” yesterday showing up at the protest. Simmons was there to appear on Reverend Al Sharpton’s radio show, which the MSNBC primetime hostwas broadcasting live from the park.

Kanye was there to….ah heck….let Russell tell you why he was there.

9: 20 AM - Now Playing: Contagion

MoveOn.org sent me an email this morning saying,

"This week, thousands of members of the American Dream Movement, led by MoveOn.org, will hold 275 events nationwide to demand Washington make Wall Street and millionaires pay their fair share to create jobs, rather than make cuts that hit the middle class and poor. The national week of action has been organized in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street and is part of an escalation of American Dream Movement events that have been taking place all summer.

"From Wall Street to California and everywhere in between, people are taking to the streets to protest an economy that is only working for the top one percent and leaving the rest of us behind,” said Justin Ruben, Executive Director of MoveOn.org. “Americans are sick to death of seeing politicians go to bat for Wall Street, while millions struggle to find a job and keep a roof over their heads. The politicians in Washington need to wake up to what’s going on in this country. Americans need jobs, not cuts. And Americans know we can afford it if big banks and the super-rich pay their fair share.”

The events are being organized by the new American Dream Movement."

You can learn more here.