Video Streaming Goes Social With Denso App

Denso allows a user to create personlize video channels by connecting social media accounts.
Denso allows a user to create personlize video channels by connecting social media accounts.

Chances are, you've probably streamed at least one video today, if not more than one. And chances, are whatever you watched caught your attention via your Facebook newsfeed, Twitter feed or one of your favorite blogs.

With websites we visit daily constantly throwing new video content at us, there's no question our consumption of online streaming is growing. All that content can be hard to filter through, creating a problem that a small app maker hopes to fix.

Anideo, a Singapore-based app development company backed by Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin, is trying to make the video streaming process more seamless with its app Denso, which selects content based on a user's personal tastes via social websites.

"With Denso, you don’t need a remote. We are going to tell you what to watch and you are probably going to like it," said Anideo co-founder Andrew Solimine.

Denso 2.0, which is available on the iPhone, iPad, Android and the web, allows users to connect their social accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google Reader) to their Denso account. It then creates a "social channel," pulling all the videos friends are sharing into one channel for the Denso user to view.

"We are trying to basically learn about you personally, learn about you through your social graph, Facebook and Twitter, and we will find videos shared by your friends and we try to map your interests," said Solimine.

U.S. Internet users watched an average of 21.8 hours of online video content in February, according to a report by comScore. This is the sort of growth Anideo is trying to feed off of. The company is expecting most of the growth in streaming video to be in mobile.

"Mobile is huge for us, iOS is going to be incredibly robust going forward, the recent unraveling of RIM is just going to push iOS forward," Solimine said.

Facebook recently approved Denso's open graph Facebook application, the first social video application to be approved by the social media site. Basically, this means that videos watched on Denso will appear in a user's Facebook ticker, allowing to share that information with Facebook friends.

This sort of open graph application is already used by Spotify, a music streaming app that allows users to let their Facebook friends view what they are listening to. Like Spotify, users may opt out of allowing content they watch to be shared in the ticker, but Solimine said the open-graph technology is something that a lot of users will find useful in discovering new content.

Video views on Denso have doubled since the company launched its open graph application on Facebook, Solimine said.
