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Here's one more thing that Siri can do: Beatbox

Here's one more thing that Siri can do: Beatbox
Here's one more thing that Siri can do: Beatbox

Siri has a hidden talent — beatboxing.

Ask Apple's voice-powered personal assistant to beatbox and she'll reply: "Here's one I've been practicing" before repeating the phrase 'boots and cats' over and over again.

The phrase is a common vocalization for beatboxing beginners to create a simple beat.

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Siri's newest talent garnered quite a bit of attention on social media this week, though it has been part of the personal assistant's programming for some time.

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YouTube videos from November of last year show Siri's beatboxing talent.

Impressed with Siri's beatboxing? Here are a few other things the personal assistant can do:

  • Siri can roll a dice, flip a coin or become your personal magic 8 ball.
  • "Star Wars" fan? Say: "Luke, I am your father."
  • Ask: Why are firetrucks red?
  • Ask: What is zero divided by zero?
  • Siri can sing, well...sort of.
  • Say: Supercalifragilisticespialidocious
  • Ask her about Hal 9000
  • Siri responds to tongue twisters