Food Economics 2011

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    Farmers markets are popping up across the country as often as a new crop of corn. But the problem of making a profit—for themselves and the farmers that supply them—grows as well.

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    With both global food prices and concerns about food safety on the rise, technology is playing a more important role in the economics of the world’s food supply.

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    A growing interest in small-scale agriculture  — blending entrepreneurism and sustainability — is beginning to reverse a decades-long flight from the farm.

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    From harvest to transportation to strorage and preparation, the US food system is about as energy inefficient as it gets — and it’s only getting worse.

  • Farmer picking weeds

    With commodities prices shy high, most in Washington want to cut agricuktural aid, including billions in direct payments that go to many farmers annually regardless of need,

  • An Angolan woman shops in a market in Cabinda.

    Much like housing years ago, food has become something bigger than itself. It's about far more than sustenance. It's about commodities trading, global trade, energy, biotechnology and government policy. Our special report, "Food Economics, explores all of those dimensions.

  • Food Economics - A CNBC Special Report

    Many agricultural commodities have seen enormous price increases in the last year. Weather is certainly a factor, but some say man-made forces are also at work.

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    When it comes to genetically modified food, you may envision something monstrous, perhaps even bordering bordering on the inorganic, but there's a lot more ordinary GM food out there than you think.

  • Food Economics - A CNBC Special Report

    Though the economy may be experiencing a modest expansion, there's growing signs that food prices will outplace GDP growth this year.

  • Recent events in the Middle east and northern Africa have show that the supply and price of food can lead to major social unrest and even the downfall of a government. Many in the developed world take food for granted, but in most developing nations it can be a daily struggle and a life-and-death issue. The global recession of 2008-09 took some the wind out of surging agricultural prices, but there's growing concern that globalization will ultimately tax food supplies. Population and income grow

    Many in the developed world take food for granted, but in most developing nations it can be a daily struggle and a life-and-death issue. Click to see which countries are most vulnerable to food shock.

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    How much do you know about the economics of food?

  • The Super Bowl and beer seemingly go together, but that’s not always so.

    St. Patrick's Day and beer are seemingly made for each other, but not as much as you might think. Check out which holidays moved the most beer.

  • The fast food restaurant is a fixture of urban, suburban and rural America, appealing to people from every age group, income bracket and ethnic background. It’s as close as you can get in the United States to something everyone can agree on. Despite their dominant position in the US marketplace, the Taco Bells, Burger Kings and Pizza Huts of the nation still have to attract customers; kitchen staff, marketing departments and research teams are constantly looking for new ways to court them. Howev

    Despite their dominant position in the US marketplace, the Taco Bells, Burger Kings and Pizza Huts of the nation have had their share of bad ideas. Click to see 15 noteworthy fast food failures.

  • From country to country around the world, people’s relationship with alcohol varies greatly. In some places it serves as a point of national identity, and in others it has become detrimental to a country's overall health. Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) released on the global status of alcohol, in order to help countries combat the harmful use of alcohol and avoid negative health and social consequences. Along with data on estimated cost of alcohol abuse, drinking ages and drunk-dr

    Around the world, people’s relationship with alcohol varies greatly. In some places it is a point of national identity, in others it has become detrimental to a country's overall health.

  • Novelty and theme restaurants seem to be more common outside the U.S., especially in Asia, but we’ve uncovered 20 unusual dining experiences right here in the USA, serving cuisines from the aggressively unhealthy to whimsical works of art. Some meals come with shows and some with surprises; some of the restaurants transport diners to another time, and one to another planet. It’s a rare diner who will want to experience all of these restaurants, but click on ahead to see how many appeal and how m

    It’s a rare diner who will want to experience all of these restaurants, but click on ahead to see how many appeal and how many appall.

