Reid Hoffman's advice for scaling a company during uncertainty

Reid Hoffman's advice for scaling a company during uncertainty

Vinay Pai's SVP of engineering and TEC member spoke with entrepreneur and author Reid Hoffman about his book 'Biltzscaling.' Hoffman defines 'Biltzscaling' as "prioritizing speed over efficiency in a time of uncertainty."
Tue, Nov 23 202112:17 PM EST

Published in 2018, the 'Biltzscaling' puts Uber and Airbnb front and center as examples of "Blitzscaling," which Hoffman defines as "prioritizing speed over efficiency in a time of uncertainty." "It's not something you do forever," Hoffman told Pai. "at some point, prioritizing efficiency…becomes important. Airbnb and Uber today are probably not as quintessential examples of Blitzscaling as they were five and ten years ago."

The pandemic's best example, Hoffman told Pai, might be Zoom, which led them to discuss the state of digital transformation in the post-pandemic world. "All of the acceleration of digital transformation, I think, is basically permanent," Hoffman said.