Mad Money

Cramer: Hey, haters! Back off of Yahoo

Marissa Mayer
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Jim Cramer is confused. Yes, haters are gonna hate. But why hate Yahoo?

CEO Marissa Mayer inherited Yahoo when it was a total mess, way behind the industry in everything from site design to relevance in technology. Since that time, she has slowly but surely brought it back up to date.

Yet, for some reason when you look up her name on the Internet, most articles about her are negative.

"I don't even know how this person comes to work in the morning. She is the victim now … of some of the worst press imaginable," Cramer said.

Regardless of the sour press, what Cramer cares about is the bottom line and making money. When Mayer was appointed CEO in July 2012, Yahoo stock was trading at $15 a share. Now it is at $42. During this time she has also made $1.6 billion in strategic acquisitions and has gotten no credit for it.

Though revenue growth has been slow, at just 1 percent in sales, Yahoo has gained millions of unique visitors during Mayer's time. And now that she has the money, she will have to figure out how to monetize them.

Cramer thinks she can do it with shrewd acquisitions that will allow them to separate themselves from the pack, and move away from advertising. The "Mad Money" host sees value in companies like Yelp, Homeaway, Zillow and even Netflix. Mayer has plenty of borrowing capacity.

"Imagine if she bought Netflix? Everyone would want the stock," Cramer said.

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For a CEO like Mayer to see the growth potential that tough decisions like backing away from selling 122 million shares when Alibaba went public, Cramer thinks she has a base to grow on.

"Mayer has never taken her eye off the ball, and she's made you a fortune in the process," he said.

Clearly Mayer understands Investing 101 and is letting her most important asset grow until it is at least ripe enough to be harvested. Perhaps Muhtar Kent at Coca-Cola can take a page from Mayer's book.

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