Outlook 08

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    Given all of the volatility in the market over the past several months, many experts are betting that making money in the first half of 2008 is going to be largely about savvy stock picking.  But if your stock picking prowess isn’t up to snuff, you may want to consider investing in exchange-trade funds instead.

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    Uncertainty and housing. Those are the key words in forecasts of the US economy in 2008.  And just how bad the economy performs depends mostly on the depth and duration of the housing recession and the great unknowns of the credit crunch.

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    With 2008 likely to be another volatile year for the markets, many money managers say a well-diversified portfolio is more important than ever, but some experts have varying ideas about what's in store for the different asset classes.

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    Investors in US fixed income markets face a laundry list of uncertainties in 2008, which are likely to keep them on the defensive, analysts say. The best course of action may be to diversify.

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    Betting on real estate these days is not for the faint of heart.  Between the housing correction, economic uncertainty, the credit crisis and predicted softening in the commercial property markets, determining where to invest for future returns requires an extra dose of due diligence and, let's face it, good old-fashioned courage.

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    The boom in commodities prices have captured the spotlight in recent years, but investors need to be selective going forward as some of these markets have likely peaked, analysts say. Energy and base metals should be approached with caution given expectations for a sluggish US economy, a major consumer of virtually all commodities, but grains may have room to rally.

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    As part of CNBC's Outlook '08 coverage, here are my eight  predictions in technology for 2008. At the end of next year, we'll look back on how well I did: just don't hold my feet to the fire too closely!! Before going forward, here's a quick look back. Tech set the tone for 2007 and became a safe-haven of sorts for so many investors fleeing the financial meltdown on Wall Street and Main Street.

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    The assignment is to come up with some predictions for 2008. A prediction according to Webster's is "to say in advance. To Foretell." You know, like a fortune teller. Here's what I can tell you about your fortune. You won't have it long if you rely on predictions. That said, here are a few guesses as to what might happen next year.

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    Okay, here are my predictions for 2008 as part of our Outlook '08 coverage. We'll look back next year to see how I did--see number 7 below in order to figure out how good I am at this! 1) MY OVERALL PREDICTION: at a time of heightened public anxiety about America's future, the presidential election next November will shatter previous turnout records.

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    At this time of year, it's predictions, predictions, predictions. So as part of CNBC's Outlook for '08, here are mine for the media world and all that's in it--with a personal look as well! (see number 7). Here I go!!

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    It's that time of year again. That time of year to tell you what's going to happen next year in the sports business.

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    As you may have read in Sharon's post, both she and I are "sharing" the joy of making predictions for 2008 as part of CNBC's Outlook For '08. Here are mine, with as much "futuristic foresight" as I can muster:

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    Melissa and I are taking part in the Outlook For '08 predictions, but we decided to split them up. So, out of the eight we are making, I took four and Melissa took four. That way, you'll get double the pleasure next year, of seeing whether the two of us are right!

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    Fake Jane is very excited about 2008! She hopes to afford major reconstructive surgery which will turn back the hands of time. Or maybe she can at least afford better skincare products. Maybe she'll even go on a date! She's very optimistic that, even if she doesn't meet Mr. Right, she'll meet Mr. Desperate. Yes!

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    As we close out this year, I know some of you are asking, "Hey Toyota Phil (a nickname a friend gave me after accusing me of giving the Japanese automaker too much praise) what do you think will happen in the auto industry next year?" Well, since you asked, and I know some of you haven't asked, here are my prognostications for 2008.

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    In the spirit of Outlook '08, here are my predictions for 2008. We'll see how I did come this time next year. My personal favorite is number 7!!

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    Here they are, my predictions for 2008, as part of our Outlook 08 coverage. And make sure you vote on which ones you think will happen. 1. The dollar will stage a major rally The Bank of England has just cut rates and ECB will do so shortly.

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    Last year one of our producers had the bright idea of assigning each of CNBC's beat reporters a story about seven predictions for their beat for 2007. So, now this year not only do we have to do the 8 for '08 thing for TV, but also for the blog.

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    Time for the year end predictions, and I'll predict I stand by each one. Well, maybe not each one, but who knows, I might be right on at least number seven.

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    Holiday 2007 hasn't even happened yet but buyers and retailers are beginning to stock the shelves and clothing racks for 2008. With that in mind, I put together a list of some of the biggest questions that the retail industry is mulling over right now that will affect 2008.

